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One of the Ministers of the new Brazilian government was a visiting student at Sant'Anna School: Esther Dweck chosen by President Lula da Silva for the Ministry of Public Management and Innovation

She spent two periods of study, in the second he completed his doctoral dissertation under the supervision of Giovanni Dosi, Full Professor of Economics

Publication date: 10.01.2023
Esther Dweck e Lula da Silva
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She has a past at Sant'Anna School as a visiting student the new Brazilian Minister of Public Management and Innovation Esther Dweck, who will take office from the beginning of 2023, with the start of the term of the Republic's President Luis Inácio Lula da Silva. Minister Esther Dweck, now Professor of Economics at the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, spent two stints studying at the Sant'Anna School. The first was between the academic years 2003 - 2004 and, in part, 2004 - 2005. The second period served her to complete her doctoral thesis, under the supervision of Giovanni Dosi, Full Professor of Economics at Sant'Anna School. 

It is Giovanni Dosi himself who recalls that period, in wishing the new minister well in her work. "While expressing congratulations to Esther on her well-deserved appointment - Giovanni Dosi  remarks - I also want to express my/our total solidarity in this difficult and crucial moment for Brazilian democracy.

Cover photo: minister Esther Dweck and Brazilian President Lula da Silva.